For years was in the Netherlands a magazine published dealing with maritime affairs. In the last war Russia became aware of her shortcomings. Several orders from the government had to improve this. So was ordered that each year young officers of the navy and artillery were sent to the most important countries of Europe and America to visit the naval yards, military workshops, fortresses and harbours, to investigate improvements and to report towards their government. Officers of higher rank of the navy and army were also ordered to visit other countries but for another reason. They had to investigate the military strength and weakness of these countries. This so-called scientific journeys were in fact a continuation of the policy from Peter the Great and his successors.
G.A. Tindal en J. Swart. Verhandelingen en berigten betrekkelijk het zeewezen en de zeevaartkunde. Vol 18. Amsterdam, 1858, p. 175. Digitized by Google.