The news paper Echo de l’Orient published a news item from Smyrna dated 24 June. Some British merchants, leaded by Lovi, transported a diving bell from London for a research in the channel Scio. They were looking for guns of the Turkish fleet, consisting of 22 ships of the line estroyed by the Russians while entering the harbour of Tschesme in the night of 7-8 July 1770. Na some minor discoveries they found finally at a great depth a bronze gun of a large calibre. The British corvette Eagle was needed to assist with all men to salvage the gun. It weighed 209 British centenaars, had a length of 14 feet and 2 duim and with a diameter of 9 feet, while mouth had a diameter of 21 duim. The gun was transported to Smyrna . According to the inscription the gun was founded in 1126 (Christian year 1710).