
Saturday, 22 June 2019

Movements of the Greek and Turkish navies in the Mediterranean according to the Dutch newspaper Nederlandsche Staatscourant dated 17 November 1821

Alexandria, 5 August. The pasha Mehemet-Ali arrived in this town. Messages from Constantinople were brought and which he was ordered to sent some more vessels. This was a problem because of his 22 ships he already sent 16 which joined the Turkish fleet. The remaining vessels were needed for protecting the coasts of Egypt and the Syrian fairways.

Paris, 12 November. Tidings from Constantinople dated 22 October mentioned the arrival of captain Bergamine flying the Russian flag, supporting the hope for peace. There were rumours that the Turkish fleet rescued the squadron commanded by the Kapitan Bey in the Gulf of Lepante and that 20, others said 50, Greek ships were captured. The Idriots and the Ipsariots returned to their harbours.