
Saturday 31 December 2011

New warships for Buenos Ayres, Argentina according to the Dutch newspapers in 1819

The newspaper Goessche Courant dated 8 January 1819 published an item using the newspaper Morning Chronicle as source. The latter newspaper reported that the government of Buenos Ayres edited a contract for the building of four large frigates similar to the ones build in the USA for defence of harbours. These new frigates were however to be larger and fitted out with a steam engine and furnishes for heating bullets. Each frigate was to be armed with 38-36 pdrs and to be stationed on the river Rio de la Plata where sailing ships had difficulties to manoeuvre as a result of the current. These frigates had to resist the Spanish warships coming from Cadiz and it was expected that they were completed before the arrival of the victuals and flour fir the expedition of Cadiz which was coming from the USA.

The Dutch newspaper Zierikzeesche Courant dated 19 February 1819 reported the arrival on 12 November at Buenos Ayres of the two at New York built frigates Horatio (1) and Curiazo (2), each armed with 32-36 guns and 200 men. Further more were there continuous prizes brought in.

1. Built at the Adam and Noah Brown Shipyard.
2. A 851 tons corvette armed with 26 guns which was launched in July 1818 by the Forman Cheeseman shipyard at New York as the Curatio and after her arrival renamed Independencia, on 1 April 1826 was she sold to Argentina where she was renamed Montevideo, she sunk was sunk underway at Talcahuano caused by her worse state, salvaged and resold to Peru and in Peruvian service sunk at Callao. Dimensions 130-183 x 37,3 x 18 feet.