
Thursday 19 January 2012

The Egyptian naval strength according to the Dutch newspaper Nieuw Israelietisch weekblad dated 28 October 1955

According to statistics published the by Middle East Institute at New York was the Egyptian navy considerable larger as the Israeli navy. Recently added Egypt even her navy with the former American warships Papua and Tobago.(1) This sell was approved in 1950 by the department of foreign affaires although it was pretended that this were cargo vessels with passenger accommodation. The Jewish Telegraphic Agency reported in that period however that it were warships and not merchant ships. When members of the Congress protested against the sell defend the department herself while saying that Egypt had promised to use the ships just for commercial purposes. The Institute reported however that presumably both ships were rebuild as warships and now officially part of the navy. Other sources reported that Egypt also warships and submarines acquired from Communistic countries. This year approved the United Kingdom the delivery of 2 minesweepers to Egypt and Israel. Further more possessed Egypt according to rumours over a warship not known by the Institute but which was heaver as any Israeli warship.

1. The item was published in a Jewish newspaper. The British Royal Navy possessed during the Second World War over the frigates Papua and Tobago. The first one was the former USS Howett (PF-84  the second one the former Holmes (PF-81), both dating of the Colony-class, laid down in 1943 and on 13 May 1946 returned to the USA. Both ships were in 1947 sold to Egypt and scuttled in the Suez Crisis in 1956.