
Monday 30 January 2012

Italian gunboat in battle with Russian corvette according to the Oprechte Haarlemse Courant dated 22 May 1806

According to a tiding dated Trieste 3 May fought the gunboat La Commacchiese of the Royal Italian Navy (1) commanded by captain Calami on 2 May with success against a 32-gun Russian corvette. She was cruising off Cape Istria when she sighted the Russian corvette followed by a small vessel. The La Commacchiese tried to capture this last vessel but which sought the protection of the corvette. At 11.00 o’clock was the La Commacchiese the corvette enough approached and started a heavy gun battle. After 1,5 hours was the corvette several times hit and she fled with all sails to the roads of Trieste where she anchored near another Russian ship. Of her crew were 10 men wounded. The La Commacchiese was just hot once in her topsails and continued her cruising off Cape Istria. What happened with the small vessel wasn’t reported.

1. The Kingdom of Italy between 17 March 1805 and 11 April 1814.