
Friday, 13 September 2019

French transport/aviso Renard wrecked according to the Dutch newspaper Goessche Courant dated 11 June 1885

An item reported that a tiding from Perim received by Lloyds mentioned the rumours that the French aviso Renard which left on 3 June Obock towards Aden was lost with all men on board. One British and one Turkish gunboat which were ordered to search returned with zero results at Perim. An item in the newspaper Middelburgsche Courant dated 20 June 1885 reported that there were none doubts more about the fate of the French transport Renard. Her loss was caused by the cyclone recently active near Aden taken all men on board with her. The newspaper Zierikzeesche Nieuwsbode dated 23 June confirmed this sadly news.