
Monday, 13 May 2019

British troop transports continuously arriving at Cape Town according to the Dutch newspaper Goessche Courant dated Thursday 16 November 1899

An item reported that according to tidings received a day earlier the transport Britannia arrived at Cape Town.(1) Since Thursday were twelve transport arrived with around 15,000 men of reinforcements. All these ships were sent form there immediately to Durban. The newspaper Vlissingse Courant dated 16 November said that these troops were destined to relieve Ladysmith.

1. The Second Boer War found place between 11 October 1899 and 31 May 1902 and ended in a defeat of the Boers and regaining British sovereignty of the Orange Free State and South African Republic (Transvaal). In 1920 became the Union of South Africa part of the Commonwealth.