An item reported that the storm of last Wednesday the transport Rapidan had to return to Liverpool to repair the damage. The newspaper Vlissingse Courant dated 7 November wrote that she was damaged in the Channel and 200 horses were killed. The newspaper De Zeeuw dated Thursday 9 November reported that she left Thursday the Mersey underway to Transvaal but forced to return to Liverpool by a heavy storm. Afterwards it was discovered that 200 horses were or already dead or had to be killed due to being severe wounded. The newspaper Zierikzeesche Nieuwsbode dated 9 November reported that after the return due to damage it was necessary to throw 200 dead or dying horses over board. The newspaper Middelburgsche Courant dated 15 November reported that until then 13,000 men arrived at Cape Town. The transport Rapidan departed again with new horses to replace the 160 killed during the gale.
1. The Second Boer War found place between 11 October 1899 and 31 May 1902 and ended in a defeat of the Boers and regaining British sovereignty of the Orange Free State and South African Republic (Transvaal). In 1920 became the Union of South Africa part of the Commonwealth.
1. The Second Boer War found place between 11 October 1899 and 31 May 1902 and ended in a defeat of the Boers and regaining British sovereignty of the Orange Free State and South African Republic (Transvaal). In 1920 became the Union of South Africa part of the Commonwealth.