After the Second World War tried the Dutch government to find out what happened with the Dutch merchant vessels which were seized or otherwise by Germany. The vessels could be find for instance in the Soviet Union zone in Germany. On 16 May 1946 wrote the head of the Dutch military mission vice admiral L.A.C.M. Doorman to the Secretary that he corrected an list he received earlier. He suggested to sent the list with the corrections to the Dutch ambassador at Moscow. For the corrections was a master who travelled a lot in the Russian zone in Germany and who knew where the vessels were at that moment responsible. In the meantime had some vessels gone to Leningrad. The original list contains the names of several hundred vessels.
6. The Alpha, 6 May 1946 at Berlin.
17. The Cecilia, 24 April probably at Leningrad.
21. The Codam 88, 24 April, probably at Leningrad.
25. The Donizetti, 20 April, at Westhafen-Berlin.
37. The Franciscus 2, 24 April at Swinemunde.
44. The Ida, 24 April at Osthafen-Berlin.
81. The Semper Spera, 6 May at Königsberg.
98. The Wilmar, 24 April at Steiin.
118. The Centrust I, 1 May at Magdeburg.
121. The Elbia, 20 march at Schönebeck.
127. The Grimsel, 24 April at Westhafen-Berlin.
129. The Havelia, 20 March at Schönebeck.
135. The Keltia now numbered as 00574, 1 May at Brandenburg by Walswerk.
137. The Köln, 20 March at Magdeburg.
Archive of the Department of Foreign Affairs, Dutch embassy in the Soviet Ubion 104 (National Archive at The Hague).