
Saturday 28 April 2012

Turkish transports captured by Italian navy according to Dutch newspapers in 1911

The newspaper Middelburgsche Courant dated 4 October 1911 reported that an Italian torpedo boat captured a Turkish transport with on board 170 Turkish soldiers near Prevesa.(1)

The newspaper Zierikzeesche Nieuwsbode dated 16 October 2011 referred to a telegram from Tripolis to the newspaper Messagero reporting that the Italian admiral Aubry captured a Turkish troop transport with on board 1,600 men. This telegram was however not confirmed by other tidings.

The newspaper Vlissingse Courant dated 28 October 1911 mentioned the transport Derna captured by the Italians and which was used to transport prisoners to Naples.

1. Italy claimed that Tripoli was part of the Italian influence zone and declared war at the Ottoman empire on 29 September 1911 pretending to protect the Italian citizens in Tripoli. The Treaty of Lausanne dated 18 October 1912 confirmed the claimed Italian sovereignty. In stead of becoming autonomous was Tripoli and province an Italian colony between 26 June 1927 and 3 December 1934 when all North African Italian possessions became one colony.