
Friday 27 April 2012

The building of the Dutch steam dredger Indramayoe according to the Dutch newspaper Haarlem’s Dagblad dated Tuesday 22 February 1898

At the yard Conrad was the steam dredger Indramayoe build for account of the Department of Colonies for dredging activities in the harbour of Tandjong Priok and other harbours in the Dutch East Indies. Her dimensions were 32 x 6 metres and her horsepower was 80 hp. The high and low pressure boiler was in such a manner manufactured that she could be used just for high pressure purposes.  The dredger consisted of 4 watertight compartments with sounding tubes for inspecting the heat rate and the water level. The used wood was teak wood. During the tests was from a depth of 5,50 metres in 30 minutes 80M3 mud dredged. Coming Tuesday was she partly dissembled (all dredging elements were removed) and she was to be dry docked at Amsterdam to be fitted out as a steamship for her voyage under own steam power towards the Dutch East Indies. Her crew consisted of a master, steersman, two engineers and eight sailors. The entrance to the engine room was via the salon of the captain. Within 14 days were in presence of the minister of Colonies trials. Her contracted speed was 6 knots. An air duct build around the funnel was for the refreshment of the air. She as fitted out with two screws connected via conical gear wheels with the crankshaft.(1) The edition dated Thursday 24 March reported that she was to depart coming Friday to Amsterdam for regulating the compasses. The next Saturday were the trials and her departure the same day towards the Dutch East Indies. The minister of Colonies would be absent that day due to official obligations elsewhere.

1. Another Dutch newspaper Algemeen Handelsblad morning edition dated 22 February reported that her small beam was caused by the bridges in the inner harbour of Tandjong Priok allowing just a passage width of 6,5 metres. For the wooden parts was just teak used. During the dredging tests was the vessel with a steam horsepower of 80 hp able to dredge within 30 minutes on a depth of 5,5 metres 80 M3 mud. All dredging equipment was now removed and she was that day to be brought to Amsterdam and in the dry dock to be fitted out as a steam vessel to cross the ocean using own steam power. For this purpose was she divided in four watertight compartments each with sounding tubes to check the water level. The construction used for conducting the buckets was fitted out as a coal bunker. To enter the engine room you need to go through the salon of the master. Her draught was just 1,75 metres. The two screws were through conical gear wheels connected to the crankshaft. Within 14 days were the steam trials planned in the presence of the minister van colonies. This item supplied none name of the vessel. The evening edition dated 12 May published an item dated Cartagena 3 May that the damage of her engine was not serious and now being repaired. The Rotterdamsch Nieuwsblad dated 4 May reported that while underway Via Gibraltar towards Tandjong Priok she entered with a not working engine at Cartagena.