
Tuesday, 7 January 2020

Dutch brig ship De Onderneming on auction according to the Dutch newspaper Algemeen Handelsblad dated 8 May 1838

An announcement reported that shipbrokers G.J. Roland Horst, J.H.A. Balwé, J. Corver, H. Salm and B.D. Bosscher intended to sale on Monday 11 June at 18.00 o’clock in the Nieuwe Stads Herberg at the IJ, Amsterdam the extra ordinary well sailing coppered Dutch brig ship De Onderneming captain R. Dekker, measurement 216 tons and dimensions 24 ellen 80 duimen x 4 ellen 62 duimen en 4 ellen 24 duimen (hold).(1)

1. The websitePiet's Index mentioned a brig ship Onderneming built at the shipyard de Rave of G.H. Baaij in Amsterdam, renamed 1839 Heppens and condemned in Barbados in 1858 while leaking. and that she was property between 1827-1838 of the Amsterdamsche Reederij Sociëteit in Amsterdam, 1839-1853 Gebrs. Reelfs in Amsterdam and 1855-1858 M.C. Lapidoth&Co. in Amsterdam.