
Saturday, 17 November 2012

The German Harmonie rebuilt at Flushing, Netherlands as German government colonial steamship according to the Dutch newspaper Vlissingse Courant dated 27 February 1889

An item reported that some days before the German twin screw steamship Harmonie was docked. She was one of the six steamships bought by the German government to be used on the line towards the German African East Coast colonies. She was to be considerable repaired and made suitable to serve under tropical conditions. When she was completed she was bound for Hamburg to load war stores. The Dutch shipyard Kon. Mij. De Schelde was ordered to repair her. She was built at the same yard and in the past used on the line Köln-London.(1)

1. The edition dated 27 January reported her arrival in the evening of the 25th coming from Rotterdam via de inland waterways. Her captain was H. Krützveldt. She belonged to the Badische Dampfschiffahrts-Gesellschaft and served nearly three years on the line Köln-London. She was in 1886 built by the Kon.Mij. De Schelde as de Industrie II. The order administration of the shipyard Kon.Mij. De Schelde (Municipality Archive Flushing) said that her building was ordered on 23 November 1885, keel laid down by shipbuilder engineer J. Janszen jr. on 5 December 1885 with yard number 44, the needed steel arrived on 1 January 1886, in thrushes on 26 January, plating fitted on 2 March, launched on 27 March, tested while anchored 20 April, official trial at Rotterdam on 28 April and on 2 May started her maiden voyage. Built in 5,25 months. Contracted price ƒ 85.200, cost price without expenses ship ƒ 52.500 and for engine and boilers ƒ 35.365, totally 87,865,- resulting in a loss of ƒ 2.865, for the shipyard. The 3-clyinder triple compound steam engines and two boilers supplied 300 hp while driving two screws allowing a speed of 9 knots. According to the administration was her building started for own account of the yard as a general trader lacking orders. Displacement 180 (at launching)-678 tons with as dimensions 150’0” (prow) x 24’6” x 2’3” (fore at launching)-3’10” (aft at launching)-9’6” and a hold of 10’6”-11’1”. Deadweight 400 tons. Gross register tonnage 334,88 and net register tonnage 200,29 tons and a capacity of 0.425 cubic feet.