
Saturday 22 December 2012

Dutch tug Rilland as in service of Willem Muller BV of Terneuzen (1953) 1970-1989

Built in 1953 at the shipyard Scott&Sons Ltd, Bowling with yard number 400 for Tees Towing Co.Ltd. Of Middlesborough as the Caedmon Cross. With a gross tonnage of 132 tons and as dimensions 26,27 x 7,2 x 3,36 metres. The 4-cylinder Crossley engine supplied 750 nhp. In 1966 became she as the Margom property of the Alexandra Towing Co. Ltd at Swansea. Renamed in 1970 Rilland was her gross tonnage reduced to 115 tons and was she fitted out with a 12 tew 8 cylinder App Brons engine supplying 1.000 shp. In 1989 sold to J. Koek, Dordrecht but retaining her name and sunk underway towards Oporto in the Bay of Biscay on 22 November 1989. The Dutch newspaper Het vrije volk dated 23 November 1989 reported that she was lost in the Bay of Gascogne. The three crewmembers were saved by a nearby ship after more as hour being on board of their life-boat. She sunk at 18.30 o’clock without any reason.