
Saturday 15 December 2012

Italian flotilla leader Tigre 1923-1941

Sister ships in the Leone-class (Ansaldo-design) were the Pantera and Leone; the Leopardo and Linece were never built.. The ships were ordered in 1917 but lacking the necessary steel and other materials was the building delayed. She had a white band on her aft tunnel in contrary to the other two ships. Launched on 7 August 1923 and scuttled on 4 April 1941. With a displacement of 1.550 (standard)-2.283 (full load) and as dimensions 359,5 (between perpendiculars)-373 (over all) x 34 x 11.5 (mean) feet. The armament consisted of 4x2-4.7” guns, 2-14pd guns, 2-2pd anti aircraft guns and 2x3-18”torpedo tubes. Could carry 60-100 (maximum) mines with her. The four geared Parsons turbines and four Yarrow oil-fired boilers supplied 42.000 (design)-50.000 (trials) hp while driven twp screws allowing a speed of 34 (design)-35 (trial knots. Oil bunker capacity 200 (normal)-400 (maximum) tons. The drawing shows her as she could have been seen around 1928.