
Thursday 27 December 2012

Turkish navy destroyed Russian warships according to the Dutch newspaper Het nieuws van den dag dated 31 October 1914

An item referred to the tidings the German newspaper Frankfurter Zeitung received from Constantinople dealing with the fight between the Russian and Turkish fleets. The Turkish cabinet stated that a small part of her fleet departed on 28 October for exercises to the Black Sea when the Turkish fleet on Thursday suddenly attacked. The Turkish ships responded and destroyed the Russian 5.000 tons minelayer Proet which carried with her 700 mines, damaging a Russian torpedo boat and capturing a Russian collier. The Turkish torpedo boat Hairet Millie torpedoed the Russian destroyer Koebadets (1) and a torpedo of the Moeavenet Mille damaged heavily a Russian coast guard ship. The Turkish ships saved 3 officers and 72 sailors of the Russian ships and take hem prisoner of war.

1. Conway’s All the World’s fighting ships 1906-1921 mentioned a 1.284 tons gunboat Kubanetz launched on 9 April 1887 but which was stricken around 1941, so she can’t be similar to the Koebadets destroyed by the Turkish.