
Friday 11 January 2013

Dutch frigate ship De Nederlanden built at Amsterdam according to the Dutch newspaper ‘s-Gravenhaagse courant dated 21 June 1826

An item dated Amsterdam 19 June reported that the same day at the shipyard de Zwarte Raaf in the Kleine Kattenburgerstraat of shipbuilder Jan Knol received the order to lay down the keel for the circa 675 ton measuring ship de Nederlanden for the Wed. Vereul en Zoon. The newspaper Dagblad van s-Gravenhage dated 18 June 1828 reported that the 14th at the shipyard de Zwarte Rave of shipbuilder J. Knol with success the 2-deks frigate ship de Nederlanden was launched and with captain A.J. Struyk destined for the Dutch East Indies trade.