
Sunday 20 January 2013

Mexican tank landing ship Papal Oapan (A411) (1966)-

Amsterdam, Netherlands August 2008

Laid down as the American Lst Newport (LST-119) part of the Newport-class on 1 November 1966 at the Philadelphia Navy yard, launched on 3 February 1968 while baptized by Mrs. Nuella Pell spouse of Claiborne Pell who was senator for Rhode Island, commissioned on 7 June a year later with as homeport  NAB Little Creek, Viriginia and decommissioned on 30 September 1992. Finally she was acquired by Mexico on 23 November 2001 as the Papaloapan. With a displacement of 5.190 (light)-8.792 (full load) were her dimensions 152,40 (waterline)-159,11 (over all) x 21,34 x 5,79 metres or 500-522 x 70 x 19 feet. The six diesel engines supplied 16.000 hp allowing a speed of more as 20 knots. She was able to carry with her 29 tanks/30 assault amphibious vehicles.