
Tuesday 8 January 2013

The results of the Dutch shipyard Conrad at Haarlem over 1889 according to the Dutch newspaper Haarlem’s Dagblad dated 16 September 1890

The year 1889 begun worse for the yard Conrad of the firm Thomas Figée&Co, now director P. Goedkoop Dz. And was not earlier improved as in the summer when the common state of the iron industry became better and new orders were received. The year ended with very important orders including one of 5 dredgers for the harbour works at Bremen, Germany. The insufficient dimensions of the Spaarndam lock still prevent the yard to compete with yards located more favourable. The fact that the dredgers needed to become larger and larger and so it was be to feared that within short time orders were to refused unable to build the vessels. So the yard had two choices, transfer or being ruined.