
Sunday 10 March 2013

New submarines for Thailand according to the Dutch magazine Marineblad dated 1938 no. 6

An item referred to the foreign magazine Jap. Chr. dated 2 June 1938 which reported that the 160 officers and sailors of the navy of Thailand which stayed for1,5 year in Japan during the building of their submarines now left for Thailand with these submarines.(1)

1. Conway’s All the world’s Fighting Ships 1922-1946 mentioned the launching in 1936 of the Sinsamudar-class consting of the Blajunpol, Machanu, Sinsamudar and the Vilun all launched in 1936 at the Japanese shipyard of Mitsubuishi, Kobe, Japan and which served until 1950. These were however not the submarines mentioned in the note but the four small coastal submarines built in 1938.