
Friday 24 May 2013

Austria increasing her navy with new ships according to the Dutch magazine Marineblad dated 1891-1892 no. 2

An item referred to the The Army and Navy Gazette which reported that in April Austrian officers, petty officers and sailors were to sent over land towards England and the Baltic to attend the trials of warships build for Austria. If these warships performed well they were to taken over and brought to Pola. The British shipyard Palmer at Newcastle-on-Tyne launched a year earlier the cruiser Planet. She was now fitted out with larger screws to achieve during the next trial a speed of 21 miles which at earlier trials was not achieved. Recently were at the shipyard of Schichau at Pillas, Königsberg the torpedo depot ship Pelican and the water transport Naiad completed. The Pelican was completely steel built and to replace the no longer seaworthy Elizabeth. With a displacement of 2.400 tons were her dimensions 85 x 12 x 4,7 metres. The steam engines supplied 3.200 hp with a contract speed of 16 miles. Able to carry 36 torpedoes with her was she armed with 2-15cm guns and 8 quick firing guns. The Naiad was especially designed to transport freshwater and fitted out with powerful distilling devices. The correspondent of the Progrès Militaire at Vienna reported that to the Danube flotilla the Theisa was added and a fourth ships was for this purpose built.