
Sunday 19 May 2013

British gunboat HMS Britimomart launched according to the Dutch magazine Marineblad 1899-1900 no. 4

An item referred to the magazine le Yacht reporting that at Liverpool the British gunboat HMS Britomart (1) was launched destined to serve on African rivers. With a displacement of 710 ton were her dimensions 54,9 x 10,05 x 0,245 (medium) metres. She was fitted out with two independent triple expansion engines and 2 tube boilers supplying with natural draught 900 ihp and with forced draught 1.300 ihp allowing an expected speed of 13,05 miles. Her armament was to consist of 2-10,2cm quick firing guns and 10 Maxim machineguns. Her crew numbered 70 men.

1. 1st class gunboat launched at the shipyard of Potter, Liverpool on 28 March 1899 and which was sold at Bombay on 6 October 1920 and afterwards renamed Sakuntala.