In an account dated March 1935 are some technical specifications details supplied dealing with sheerlegs posessed by Dutch shipping companies.
Steam sheerleg Kolossus II, dimensions 31,26 x 15,78 x 1,50 (empty)-3,00 (loaded) metres. Two main 100 ton tackles, 1-20 ton auxiliary tackle, 1-5 ton runner, 1-30 ton top tackle and 1-5 ton top runner. Maximum lifting height with 200ton 25 metres and with 30 ton 39,40 metres . Without support and pontoon able to drop to 12,50 metres . Further more 1-6” duplex pump, 1-6” electric pump and electric light. Owner W.A. v.d. Taks Bergingsbedrijf N.V., Rotterdam .
Steam sheer leg Adelaar, dimenions 34,20 x 14,62 x 1,10 (empty)-2,40 (loaded) metres. Two 70 ton main tackles, 2-30 ton auxiliary tackles and 1-5 ton runner. Further more a 6” Worthington pump, a 6” electric pump and electric light. Maximum lifting height with 140 ton 24 metres . With support while on pontoon able to drop to 7,00 and without support and pontoon 12,5 metres . Owner W.A. v.d. Taks Bergingsbedrijf N.V., Rotterdam .
Steam sheer leg Meeuw, dimensions 26 x 11,70 x 1,00 (empty)-2,10 (loaded) metres. Two 45 ton main tackles, 1-20 ton top tackle and 2-5 ton runners. Further a 6” suction- and press pump, 6” sand centrifugal and electric light. Maximum lifting height with 75 ton 18,00 metres and with 20 ton 29,50 metres . Without support while on pontoon able to drop to 4,50 and without support and pontoon 11,5 metres . Owner W.A. v.d. Taks Bergingsbedrijf N.V., Rotterdam .
Steam sheer Labor II, dimensions 25,00 x 11,90 x 2,50 (hold) metres. One 3,5 ton runner with a lifting height of 25 metres , 2-25 ton side tackles with a lifting height of 24 metres and 1-65 ton main tackle. Maximum lifting height with 65 ton 22 metres . Without support while on pontoon able to drop to 6,30 metres . Owner J.R. Gysbers, Zwijndrecht.
Self propelling motor sheerleg, dimensions 20,30 x 6,90 x 2,00 Hold) metres. Able to drop to 2,65 metres . Maximum lifting height with 60 ton12,00 metres. Rental costs: between 07.-17.00 o’clock ƒ 6 each hour, between 17.00-07.00 ƒ 7,50 each hour, staying during the night ƒ 5,- each hour and on Sunday ƒ10,00 each hour. Owned by Reedery J.H. Bergmann n.v., Amsterdam
Motor sheerleg Sperwer I, dimensions 20,00 x 5,97 (boat beam) -12,00 (working width) x 2,00 (hold) metres. Two 35 ton main tackles and 1-10 ton top tacle. Maximum lifting height with 55 ton 13,00 metres .Owner Byker’s Aannemingsbedrijf n.v., Rotterdam .
Motor sheerleg Sperwer I, dimensions 20,00 x 5,97 (boat beam) -12,00 (working width) x 2,00 (hold) metres. Two 35 ton main tackles and 1-10 ton top tackle. Maximum lifting height with 45 ton 13,35 metres . Owner Byker’s Aannemingsbedrijf n.v., Rotterdam .
Motor sheerleg Gier, dimensions 20,00 x 9,27 x 0,80 (empty)-1,80 (loaded) metres. Two 18 ton main tackles, 1-6 ton top tackle and 1-2 ton runner. Maximum lifting height with 6 ton20,00 metres and with 30 ton 14,80 metres . Without support while on pontoon able to drop to 4,00 and without support and pontoon 10 metres . Owner W.A. v.d. Taks Bergingsbedrijf N.V., Rotterdam .
Steam sheerleg Albatros, dimensions 25,00 x 8,10 x 0.90 (empty)-1,90 (loaded) metres. Two 15 ton main tackles, 1-15 ton top tackle and 1-2 ton runner. Maximum lifting height with15 ton 20,75 metres and with 27 ton 14,00 metres . Further more 1-6” Worthington suction and press heavy air compressor. Without support while on pontoon able to drop to 4,00 and without support and pontoon 10,50 metres . Owner W.A. v.d. Taks Bergingsbedrijf N.V., Rotterdam .
Steam sheerleg Sperwer VI, dimensions 25 x 7,40 x 2,40 (hold) metres. One 20 ton tacle. Able to drop to 7,50 metres . Maximum lifting height 16,5 metres . Owner Byker’s Aannemingsbedrijf n.v., Rotterdam .
Steam sheerleg Labor I, dimensions 21 x 7 metres . One 20 ton main tackle. Able to drop to 5,50 metres . Maximum lifting height16 metres.
Owner J.R. Gysbers, Zwijndrecht.
Self propelling motor sheer leg, dimensions 15,00 x 4,93 x 1,46 metres . Maximum lifting height 8 metres . Able to drop to 2 metres . Rental costs between 07.00-17.00 o’clock ƒ 4,00 each hour, , between 17.00-07.00 ƒ 7,50 each hour, staying during the night ƒ 5,- each hour and on Sunday. Owned by Schepswerven en motorenfabriek “Concordia”/Fa. S. Seymonsbergen. Amsterdam .
Sperwer VIII. Maximum lifting height 21,60 metres and 3 ton. Maximum lifting capacity 2x50 ton. Owner Byker’s Aannemingsbedrijf n.v., Rotterdam ?
Archive shipyard Kon.Mij. De Schelde 1875-1970 at Flushing (Municipality Archive Flushing) Collection drawings T 506.2523-2546.