
Sunday, 23 June 2013

Belgian frigate Louise-Marie (F931)-

Schelde off Flushing, Netherlands 19 June 2013

Former Dutch M--frigate Willem van der Zaan (F829) of the Karel Doorman-claas bought by Belgium on 22 December 2005 and renamed on 8 April 2008 Louise-Marie. Laid down at the Kon. Mij. De Schelde at Flushing, Netherlands 6 November 1985, launched on 21 January four years later and commissioned on 28 November 1991 in the Royal Netherlands Navy and decommissioned on 25 August 2006. Commissioned in the Royal Belgian Navy with as homeport Zeebrugge. With a displacement of 2.800 tonnes and as dimensions 122,325 x 14,37 x 6,2 metres. With a speed of 30 knots. Her crew numbers 15 officers, 70 warrant officers and 60 sailors. Callsign ORJQ and MMSI 205205000.