Wednesday, 31 July 2013
British steam tanker Chester visiting Rotterdam, Netherlands according to the Dutch newspaper Rotterdamsch nieuwsblad dated 6 August 1926
An item looking back to the past reported that on Sunday 15 April 1888 at 07.oo o’clock the first steam tanker arrived at the establishment of the Pakhuismeesteren at Charlois, Rotterdam. It was the 3-mast British steam tanker Chester with a cargo of 24.166 barrels of petroleum. Her dimensions were 300’x 39,2’ 25’ and a tonnage of 2.34 gross tons. Her 1.200 ihp engine was placed in an isolated compartment in the aft ship to prevent any risks of fire. The ship was divided with longitudinal and transverse bulkheads creating eight tanks. She was built in 1887 by the Chester Steamship Co. Ltd. at Liverpool, England.