
Tuesday, 9 July 2013

Danish tugs Odin and Alexandrine and Dutch tug Numeroducs built at Martenshoek, Netherlands according to the Dutch newspaper Rotterdamsch nieuwsblad dated 3 September 1915

An item dated Martenshoek 31 August reported that the same day the tugs Odin and Alexandrine after heir trials on the Eems were delivered for Copenhagen. The Odin achieved a speed of 13 miles with 375 ihp, the Alexandrine 9 miles with 120 ihp. For a firm at Rotterdam was the tug Numeroducs with a speed of 11 miles with 250 ihp delivered. All tugs were built by the shipyard N.V. Scheepswerven v/h Gebr. G.H. Bodewes and the engines and boilers manufactured by the N.V. ‘De Fulton’, both at Martenshoek, Netherlands.