An item reported the launching at the shipyard of N.V. v/h Jonker en Stans at Hendrik-Ido-Ambacht, Netherlands of the steel-built tug Zeearend for account of P. Boudewijns, Rotterdam. Her dimensions were 23 x 5,80 x 2,80 metres. Her engine and boiler were to be delivered by the N.V. Machinefabriek Bolnes v/j J.H. van Cappellen at Bolnes.Another newspaper De banier dated 19 March 1931 reported the departure of the tug Zeearend of the Sleepdienst ‘Maas’ of Rotterdam from the N.V. Machinefabriek Bolnes v/h J.T. van Kappellen where she was fitted out with a 400 hp Bolnes engine.