
Monday, 22 July 2013

Italian sailors refused to fight against d’Annunzio according to the Dutch newspaper Het Vaderland dated 6 February 1920

An item referred to the Austrian newspaper Deutsche Volksblatt that officers and sailors of the Italian squadron sent towards Fiume rebelled and refused to act against D’Annunzio (1) on board of Italian warships. The commanding admiral returned with the squadron towards Ancona where it was enthusiastically received. A second item reported that three officer of the army of d’Annunzio were arrested accused of trying to steal a submarine and bring it to Fiume.

1. Gabriele D’Annunzio (12 March 1863 Pescara-1 March 1938 Gardone Riviera, Cargnacco) Italian author, poet and politician who took over the town Rijeka (Fiume) for 15 months starting on 12 September 1919.