
Thursday, 1 August 2013

British steam tanker Georgian Prince visiting Rotterdam, Netherlands according to the Dutch newspaper Rotterdamsch nieuwsblad dated 18 January 1899

An item reported that on the 17th the British steam tanker Georgian Prince at Rotterdam m arrived coming from New York. She was loaded with a cargo pure Pennsylvanian petroleum similar to around 30.000 barrels for account of the Pure Oil Company at Rotterdam, Netherlands.(1) The edition dated Tuesday 14 March reported her arrival on Saturday with 28.000 barles pure Pennsylvanian petroleum for same account.

1. The website www, supplies more details about this tanker. Launched on 23 September 1893 at the shipyard Low walker by Sir W.G. Armstrong, Mitchell&Co. Ltd and completed in November, With a tonnage of 3.245 gross and 2.078 net tons were her dimensions 328;0”x 42’1”x 20’1”. She was finally broken up a Barcelona in 1945. In 1899 was she property of James Knott of Newcastle.