
Saturday 3 August 2013

Steam tanker Sabine Rickmers sold to the Netherlands according ot the Dutch newspaper Algemeen Handelsblad dated 29 June 1907

An item reported that the steel built steam tanker Sabine Rickmers (1) of 1.026 gross and 690 net tonnage was sold by the Asiatic Petroleum Company Ltd. (2) to the Netherlands. Built in 1894 at Geestemunde.

1. Seee also Shipyard Rickmers Act. Ges. Geestemunde. Callsign TJBD. Property of the Nederlandsch Indische Tank Stoomboot Maarschappij (NIT), renamed Sumatra in 1917, 1923 property of the Asiatic Petroleum (China) Limited at Hong Kong, scuttled on 20 December 1941 at Hong Kong by salvaged and repaired by the Japanese and commissioned as the Sumatra Maru. In 1945 found back and a year alter transferred to the Ministry of Transport Singapore, in 1947 renamed Sin Soon Lee by Mrs. Fan Fong Mui of Singapore, again renamed 4 years later Chen Loh and finally broken up at Singapore in 1954. 2. A joint venture also known as A.P.C. between the Shell and Royal Dutch Petroleum Company oil companies founded in 1903 with her headquarters on The Bund, Shanghai, China.