
Saturday, 27 July 2019

Dutch East Indiaman serving at the West Coast of Sumatra according to the Generale Missive dated 7 March 1734

See also for ships and vessels of the Dutch East India Company between 1720-1736 arrived in the Dutch East Indies according to a list dated around 1738 published in several parts on this web log. The Reigersbroek arrived 10 January 1734 at Batavia, 14 January 1734 returned the Huis ten Donk via Padang from Madagascar. The cargo of the Reigersbroek included 837 once gold and 82.900 lb benzoë with a value of ƒ 65.903. The Huis ten Donk arrived 11 December 1733 at Singkel with 201 slaves (128 male and 73 female) from Madagascar.

J. van Goor, Generale Missiven van Gouverneurs-Generaal en Raden aan Heren XVII der Verenigde Oostindische Compagnie. Deel IX: 1729-1737. The Hague, 1988, Generale Missive from Dirk van Cloon, p. 548-566.