
Wednesday, 22 July 2020

The American and French navies in the Mediterranean according to the Nederlandsche Staatscourant dated 27 July 1844

The American squadron in the Mediterranean is moving towards the Bay of Tangier. The frigate Colombus which war part of this squadron and which 9 July still at Naples left this port for Tangier.

The French ships of the line le Généreux, le Montebello, le Santi Petri, le Trident and la Ville de Marseille were lying ready for service at Toulon waiting for orders to be commissioned. A large amount of labourers was working on other warships at Toulon like the le Tonnerre, l’Agate, l’Iphigénie, la Proserpine, le Ténare and le Titan.

According to tiding from Toulon published in a Parisian newspaper left the steam frigate le Labrador 17 July Oran and arrived 20 July with letters fro the government. The ship was unexpectedly sent from Oran to France but without extra ordinary letters. According to what the sailors said started marshal Bugeaud again with actions against Morocco.