years was in the Netherlands
a magazine published dealing with maritime affairs in the whole world, navy and
merchant. In 1847 was a small news item published, earlier published in the
Nautical Standard of March 1847. According to this news item ordered the
Chinese government some years earlier, despite a large position, the building
of two war junks to protect the coasts of Fokeen and Chekeang against pirates.
Despite strict orders to proceed both ships still were on stocks. They were to
be armed with heavy guns and should be faster than pirates. In earlier notes on
this weblog the pirate problem and scarce actions of the Chinese navy had been
Tindal en J. Swart. Verhandelingen en berigten betrekkelijk het zeewezen en
de zeevaartkunde. Vol 7. Amsterdam,
1847, p. 513. Digitized by Google. Originally published in the Nautical
Standard of March 1847.