
Thursday, 10 October 2013

The Egyptian and Turkish navies in the Mediterranean according to the Nederlandsche Staatscourant dated 28 November 1825

Frankfurt, 23 November. Although according to several sources the Egyptian-Turkish fleet near Candia was sighted mentioned the latest letters from Alexandria received at Constantinople just that that the fleet was ready for departure.

The newspaper Allgemeine Zeitung of Augsburg dated 22 November published the next two items. Livorno, 14 November. A ship which arrived yesterday coming from Alexandria brought with her tidings dated until the morning of 22 October. The large fleet according to rumours of 220 ships departed 18 and 19 October to Morea with on board 10.000 infantrymen and 2.000 cavalry men. Some fire ships and a 3-gun steamboat joined the expedition.

Trieste, 24 November. Masters confirmed the tidings that the Egyptian-Turkish fleet departed 22 October Alexandria with 5.000 infantry men and 900 cavalry men.