
Tuesday 2 July 2019

The Greek and Turkish navies in the Mediterranean according to the Nederlandsche Staatscourant dated 12 October 1824

Smyrna, 14 September, The newspaper le Smyrneen supplied more details dealing with the events at Samos. Since some days were the Greek and Turkish fleets in each other presence when the Greek after some manoeuvres with 30 ships the little channel between Samos and Asia entered. The captain pasha refused three times the requests of his officers for permissions to attack and the result was that they nearly rebelled. When the Turkish ships finally entered the channel sailing full speed towards the Greek warships the latter were waiting immovable sending 3 fire ships towards a Turkish frigate which was in front of the Turkish ships. Despite her heavy gunfire a fire ship and set hit her into fire. The Turkish warships were shattered and now attacked by the Greek while the frigate exploded. In the battle the Turkish lost a frigate, 1 corvette, 2 brigs and some other vessels and the main part of their crews. The captain pasha wasn't able to aid these ships fearing to loose his whole fleet. The Greek Canaris who set the frigate into fire however was killed.