
Monday, 1 July 2019

The Mexican and Spanish navies according to the Nederlandsche Staatscourant dated 13 December 1825

London, 6 December. A letter dated 10 April and coming from the Supply while being in the Bay of Manila included some details dealing with the revolt of the crews of the Spanish warships Asia, Aquila and Constancia causing the handing over to Colombia. Her captain Courter send the letter with the American brig Essex master Horshell which was to depart the next morning to Canton. Captain Harris and he brought the officers and petty officers of the 3 ships to their destination. The remaining crewmembers revolted against their officers and set them on shore where the Supply anchored to take in fresh water and timber. The heavily wounded commanding officer don Roque Curuseta and some of his officers requested Courter to bring them to Manila. While Manila was his first destination and for human reasons he did so while they paid him also at arrival.