
Tuesday, 26 November 2013

British Royal Navy needed more budgets for sailors, engines and timber according to the Nederlandsche Staatscourant dated 5 December 1852

In the morning government newspaper of London dated 30 November was again the royal navy a topic of discussion. It seems probably that the 5.000 extra sailors which were to enlisted as a reserve now becoming part of the regular strength, so that in the budget year 1853-1854 the personnel strength was increased and that for the purchasing of steam engines a similar large budget was requested. In the last 2 or 3 years the budgets for engines was just 50.000 pound clearly not enough. Apparently the government requested now not less as 380.000 pound. There was also more money needed and requested for timber and other material for the shipyards. All these measures should have been taken at the beginning of this year and not afterwards. Now there were problems lacking enough sailors and strengthening the navy on such a large scale could cause agitation by the neighbours of England. The newspaper Times of London dated 30 November reported similar with one extra detail dealing with the sailors. Australia seemed to be quite attractive for the merchant trade shipping so everything has to be done to confirm the British sailor that the navy was an assured and comfortable employer.