
Monday, 20 July 2020

Movements of Mexican and Spanish navies in the South American area according to the Nederlandsche Staatscourant dated 2 March 1827

London, 23 February. The Spanish fleet commanded by Laborde, which departed Havana towards the coasts of Columbia and Mexico encountered large problems due to a storm. The next thing that happened was the appearance off Havana, of the Mexican squadron commanded by Porter. The latter left Vera Cruz 8 December 1826 with 1 frigate, 2 brigs and 8 schooners. If the tidings are to believed, succeeded Porter in capturing off Cape Antonio 10-gun war brig, loaded with mercury. Probably it was the Hercules, destined from Cadiz towards Havana. While off Havana a merchant ship was captured. At the first Mexican appearance, Laborde didn’t depart seawards, but forced by the embargo for all ships at Havana, he departed 25 December 1826. His naval strength is uncertain, according to some tidings 1 large frigate, 1 corvette and a brig, according to others 3 frigates and 3 brigs. A battle was to be expected, considering both commanding officers wanted this. The latest tidings reported that 30 December a frigate flying the Mexican colours, was seen off the so-called Keys before the coast of Florida.