the Kasteel van Tilburg, which arrived 30 September and the Zoetelingskerke,
which arrived 26 October, were letters transported dated 30 April, 14 and 19
May. Sadly enough there was no time left to do something with the contents. The
Reigersdaal and the Strijen departed towards Malabar 19 October with a cargo
valued ƒ 197.922. The Kasteel van Tilburg, Venenburg and Katwijk arrived 14 and
26 December 1738 at Cochin and departed again 31 December. The Binnenwijzend
and the Hof niet altijd Zomer arrived 27 December 1738 and 10 January 1739,
while departing towards Persia 20 January 1739. The Polanen and the Ridderkerk,
both destined for Mokka, arrived 15 and 19 December 1738. A request of the
residents of Mocca and Surat to use both ships to hold up Moorish ships
belonging to Surat, to press to pay outstanding money, was refused, while this
wasn’t ordered. Coming from Batavia arrived 25 March the Ceylons Voorspoed at
Cochin. She lost underway a mast, what the reason was she visited 30 January
Galle. The building of a sloop model Magdalene was permitted. The Magdalene was
captured by the pirates of Kanhoij Angria. At Ceylon were tow yachts destined
for Malabar completed. There were two galliots to be build for Bengal,
desperately needing vessels for loading and unloading. In the past year there
were visits of 33 British, 8 French, 1 Portuguese and 4 Moorish ships.
J. van Goor. Generale Missiven van
Gouverneurs-Generaal en Raden aan Heren XVII der Verenigde Oostindische
Compagnie. Deel X: 1737-1743. The Hague, 2004, p. 359-367