
Tuesday, 26 November 2013

The Austrian and French navies versus Greek pirates according to the Nederlandsche Staatscourant dated 9 May 1823

Frankfurt, 4 May. The newspaper le Spectateur Oriental dated 14 March described a Greek invasion 12 February on the island Syra. Two or three thousand men embarked in several vessels captured the naval magazines and set two plundered houses in to fire. The same day arrived the French captain Hargous with the Estafette.(1) Joined by two Austrian warships he tried to help Syra and the robbers fled to sea. An armed ship of Hydra, which was at that time lying in the harbour of Syra, disapproved this robbery seriously.

J. Vichot. Répertoire des navires de guerre francais. Paris, 1967.

1. J. Vichot mentioned a goelette l'Estafette laid down at Toulon 1809, launched 1810 and lost 1836.