
Monday, 25 November 2013

The Austrian navy in the Mediterranean according to the Nederlandsche Staatscourant dated 24 February 1827

Trieste, 7 February. The Austrian frigate Hebe with on board marquis de Paulucci arrived yesterday. A Greek polacre which was underway hold up was forced to pay 8.000 kronen as compensation departed to sea and immediately started out of revenge plundering merchant ships.

Karl Gogg.Osterreichs Kriegsmarine 1440-1448.
Lawrence Sondhaus. The Habsburg Empira and the Sea, Austrian Naval Policy, 1797-1866. Indiana.

1. This must be the Ebe, a frigate of 44 guns. The building begun at Venice in 1811 and she was transferred to Austria 25 April 1814 while being ready for 75%. She was launched 14 July 1821 and commissioned August 1821 and broken up between 1845-1848.