In the newspaper Courier de Smyrna dated 5 April was an account published of the mission from the French captain Leblanc as ordered by admiral de Rigny. The Turkish commanding officers were asked to behave ‘normally’ when the reinforcements from Egypt arrived. At that moment the British and French fleets didn’t blockade the island any more. But both British and French were ready to act if the Turkish still treated their Greek prisoners as slaves, sell them or transport them to Egypt. Leblanc had several conversations with Turkish and Greek authorities.
Since mid March were none Russian warships more seen in the waters of Candia so it was suspected that the Russian admiral Van Heyden responded to the request of the French admiral to end the blockade of Candia. At the other hand were 3 Turkish warships lying under the protection of the guns of the fortress Suda.
Since mid March were none Russian warships more seen in the waters of Candia so it was suspected that the Russian admiral Van Heyden responded to the request of the French admiral to end the blockade of Candia. At the other hand were 3 Turkish warships lying under the protection of the guns of the fortress Suda.