
Tuesday, 26 November 2013

The Russian and the Turkish navies in the Black Sea according to the Nederlandsche Staatscourant dated 23 May 1829

The newspaper Beobachter published a tiding dated Constantinople 25 April dealing with Hussein Pasha attacking Sizopolis. While the Russian claimed that the attack completely failed claimed the Turkish that they captured a redoubt before the fortress despite the gunfire of Russian warships. The Russian expeditions towards several ports at the Black Sea forced the Porte to fit out the fleet lying near Bujukdere. To be able to man her were in all districts of the city and surrounding places a large number of sailors pressed and were all available and useful vessels send to the Bosporus to reinforce the fleet. The 17th April departed the Capudan Pasha on board of the complete new fitted out 110-gun 3-decker Selimie towards the Bosporus to take over the supreme command. The fleet was just there fore sighted by the sultan.