
Friday 12 July 2019

The strength of the Turkish navy in 1865 as seen through the eyes of Robert Main

Thanks to the fact that nowadays more and more books are digitized we are able to read books that are some times for decades no longer available for the public for several reasons. That's quite a pity while these books contains useful information while the archives are destroyed, incomplete or nor accessible. Main compared the British navy with the major naval powers at that moment in the world like France and the United States.

P. 63: “The Turkish Government has given orders to the Thames Iron Ship-building Company to construct an iron-clad whose plates are to be eight inches thick, and which is to carry an armament of thirty-three of the largest size guns. She is to embody the peculiar advantages of all known iron-clads, and is to be the most powerful vessel in the world! Such at least is the wish expressed by the Sultan.”

Robert Main. “The Navy in 1865” in: British army & navy review. Vol IV, London 1866.