
Wednesday, 8 May 2019

The Turkish and Egyptian navies in the Mediterranean according to the Nederlandsche Staatscourant dated 20 March 1827

Constantinople. 11 February. Ibrahim Pasha send the Egyptian fleet towards Alexandria, except for 3 ships who stayed behind in the harbour of Navarino. Izzet-Mehmed pasha replaced grand admiral Chosrew Mehmed as Captain pasha. At the same time was the Patrona Bey or vice admiral of the fleet, Moahmmed Tahir, appointed as pasha with two horsetails and seraskier of the fleet. Apparently the latter is to command the departing fleet. However a departure isnt to be expected within two months. In the arsenal was continuous working, except for the 24-gun frigate la Victorieuse, launched 5 February, were the commissaries send towards Gemlik, Rhodus and Sinope to speed-up the new building of warships.