
Sunday, 28 July 2019

French naval movements according to the Nederlandsche Staatscourant dated 5 June 1823

From Cartagena came the tiding that a French brigantine ordered to cruise off Valencia was stranded near St. Javier and when this became known two large ships left the harbour of Cartagena but found at their arrival the brigantine burnt. Her officers and crew (total 101 men) was taken prisoner by the militia of St. Javier and brought to Cartagena. It was the 18-gun le Zéphyr which departed Toulon 25 April.(1) Original source for this news item was the newspaper Le Constitutionnel.

According to a telegram left the brig le Zèbre (2) commanded by frigate captain de Gauville 29 May Toulon to join the squadron cruising off the coast of Catalan and Valencia. Origin source for this news item was the newspaper le Moniteur.

J. Vichot. Répertoire des navires de guerre francais. Paris, 1967.

1. Built at Livorno 1813 and wrecked 3 March 1823.
2. Launched 1810, last mentioned 1847.