
Thursday 26 December 2013

French naval movements according to the Nederlandsche Staatscourant dated 21 July 1818

Paris, 15 July. The brig l’Argus (1) frigate captain de Mélay left 8 July Lorient towards Senegal. The corvette l’Iris (2) left 29 April Rochefort and the aviso le Moucheron (3) which left 10 July Toulon had the same destination. They were stationed at Senegal with orders to visit all French vessels and if necessary to seize these to prevent slavery.

J.J. Colledge/Ben Warlow. Ships of the Royal navy. London, 2006.
J. Vichot. Répertoire des navires de guerre francais. Paris, 1967.

1. This must be the former British HMS Plumper captured 15 July 1805, renamed l’Argus 1814 and last mentioned 1822. The HMS Plumper was 12 -gun gun-brig with a builders measurement of 178 tons and as dimensions 80 x 22’5” which was launched at Dudman, Deptford 7 September 1804 and captured off Saint Malo (according to Colledge 16 July).
2. A goelette launched at Rochefort in 1818 and last mentioned in 1844.
3. Launched at Toulon in 1808 and last mentioned in 1822.