
Sunday, 8 December 2013

The progress of the Australian navy according to the Dutch newspaper Het nieuws van den dag voor Nederlandsch-Indië dated 23 March 1914

A journalist of this newspaper described in a small news item how in just four years Australia reorganised her defence with a general service and her own navy. He gave as an example of this fast progress some important dates.

March 1909: Australia ordered two destroyers in England.
August 1909: Defence law including general service.
January 1910: Australia ordered a battleship and two cruisers in England.

battlecruiser Australia 1909-1924

August 1910: Second Defence Law (reorganising army).
December 1910: Destroyers Jarra and Parramatta arrived at Australia.
March 1911: Admiral Henderson presented his report dealing with the organisation of the Australian navy.
April 1911: Destroyer Darrego launched at Sydney.
April 1912: Training vessel bought.
August 1912: Keel laid down of the cruiser Brisbane at Sydney.
January 1918: The establishment at Sydney handed over to Australia.
October 1912: The first complete squadron of the Australian navy consisting of 1 battleship, 3 cruisers and 3 destroyers was received with large enthusiasm at Sydney.