
Wednesday, 1 January 2014

Former Austrian navy officers living in poverty supported by Dutch colleagues according to the Dutch newspaper De Telegraaf dated 1 October 1920

An item dated The Hague 30 September reported that the retired rear admiral of the Austrian navy Schainzer asked the Dutch Algemeene Vereeniging van Marine-Officieren in Nederland to support Austrian navy officers which lived in poverty by providing temporarily shelter by Dutch navy officers. This request was granted and ten Austrian officers were now living at Nieuwediep an The Hague. Schainzer himself was intending to live with his spouse in the house of a Dutch senior officer in The Hague. Other Dutch newspapers like the Bataviaasch nieuwsblad dated 8 November confirmed this news item. Elsewhere he is called Schanzer being vice-president of the Deutsch-österreichischen Schiffahrtvereins. The newspaper Het Vaderland dated 2 August reported earlier that Dutch navy officers at Den Helder collected money for their foreign colleagues and some even provided shelter. The first were expected to arrive soon.